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Daichi Ito
2021年11月8日読了時間: 2分
What to know about new government desicion regarding entry restriction
November 5th, the government of Japan desided to allow foreign citizens to enter to Japan under certaion. Because of Covid-19, theentry...
Daichi Ito
2021年9月23日読了時間: 3分
What is the Requirements for PR application(General applicant )
For foreign citizens who live in Japan with VISA status, Permanent Residence is one of the goals they want to achieve in their life. But...
Daichi Ito
2021年9月19日読了時間: 3分
Recent situation on PR application
Hi, I’m Daichi Ito, the Immigration Lawyer(Gyoseishoshi) from Kamakura International Legal Service(行政書士鎌倉国際法務事務所). In my office, I mainly...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月22日読了時間: 3分
What is the demerits of getting HSP VISA
Some engineers ask about getting Highly skilled professional VISA(高度専門職)/HSP VISA when they seek my advice regarding getting Permanent...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月15日読了時間: 2分
Daichi Ito
2021年8月15日読了時間: 2分
Why we also collect documents for guarantor
When you want to apply for Permanent Residence, you need to choose a guarantor. The guarantors has ethical responsibility on the...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月7日読了時間: 2分
Daichi Ito
2021年8月7日読了時間: 2分
New point calculation sheet is available
Immigration Agency of Japan(出入国在留管理庁) now released the new point calculation sheet which will be used from July 30 2021. The point...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月6日読了時間: 2分
弊所の永住許可申請申請代行に興味を持っていただき、誠にありがとうございます。弊所では永住許可申請をお考えの方の為に複数のサービスプランを用意しております。 相談 対面相談:5,000円/ 30分 オンライン相談:5,000円/30分...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月1日読了時間: 2分
永住許可申請をして、残念ながら不許可になる方もいるかと思います。皆さんの中には永住許可が不許可になった場合のリスクに関して不安を感じている方もいると思います。この記事では永住許可申請が不許可になった場合の影響について解説していきます。 基本的に現在の在留資格には影響はない...
Daichi Ito
2021年8月1日読了時間: 2分
What happen when your PR application is rejected?
One of the concerns which foreign citizens have is what happen when you get rejection for Application of Permanent Residency. You might...
Daichi Ito
2021年5月25日読了時間: 3分
Why I recommend you to get contact information of your boss when your employer file bankruptcy
There are so many people who lose their job and seeking new jobs since their employers could not maintain employment because of this...
Daichi Ito
2021年5月17日読了時間: 2分
What to do when Permanent Resident try to invite their spouses
Hi, I’m Daichi Ito, the Immigration Law Practitioner (Gyoseishoshi) form Kamakura International Legal Service(行政書士鎌倉国際法務事務所). After...
Daichi Ito
2021年4月1日読了時間: 3分
What is best VISA status to start IT start-up in Japan
When I met with IT engineers from other nations, some people say they would like to start IT start-up in Japan. Some people want to do...
Daichi Ito
2021年3月22日読了時間: 3分
Is it possible to get Engineer degree for people who dont't have academic degree?
Japan is the 3rd richest country around the world. If you come to Japan, you will get so much opportunity if you are professional like...
Daichi Ito
2021年3月15日読了時間: 4分
What is changed under the new guideline for Permanent Residents?
If you are considering to apply for Permanent Residency in Japan, you might hear the Government of Japan introduced the new rules on PR...
Daichi Ito
2021年3月4日読了時間: 3分
Requirement for Permanent Residence for Working VISA holders in 2021
⓵these requirements are minimum requirement to apply for PR. So, there is risk for rejection even through you meet the requirements for...
Daichi Ito
2021年2月9日読了時間: 2分
COE is extended
Immigration Services Agency announced the new measure about validation of Certificate of Eligibility (COE) which is used to apply for...
Daichi Ito
2021年1月29日読了時間: 3分
Why it’s difficult to find stock brokers who provide their services in English
As the Immigration Law Practitioners, I’ve been working for business professionals in Japan who’ve come to Japan to work. Most of them of...
Daichi Ito
2021年1月14日読了時間: 3分
Problem of living in Japan with “Engineer VISA”
When you would like to work in Japan as engineers, you could work here if you get Engineer VISA(技術・人文知識・国際業務). Now there are more demands...
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