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Announcement of the new fee policy and service

執筆者の写真: Daichi ItoDaichi Ito


 Hello, this is Daichi Ito from 行政書士鎌倉国際法務事務所. Thank you for reading this artice.

Since 2019, thanks to our clients who trusted our servie, we've been providing our professional service for clients who want to get permanent residency or Japanese citisenship.

We've been providing our service in lower price and working to provide the best support for the clients.

However due to the rise of costs occured to sustain the service because of current economic condition, we have no choice except for changing our fee policy.

Concept of the new fee policy

The new fee policy was designed for the foreign citizens who meets the following criteria.

①who want to use the crafted service tailored for them

②who want to use the professional service to detect any risk on their applications and make treatment to reduce the risk of rejection

③who want to re apply for Permanent Residency after their application was rejected

④Who want to hire a professional who say "not to apply" if applying now has serious risks.

Since opening of the offie, we've handled many applications for our clients. We also got approvals for the applicants whose previous applications were rejected.

What we want to provide is "safety". The PR applications has many points which the inspectors have to check. getting rejection could cause negative impact on VISA extension and re applications for PR.

So, we will provide careful reviewing of our clinet's condition and detect the risks and advise the best way to apply for Permanent Residency in Japan and avoid the action which spoil the chance on apply for PR in the future.

Fee Policy of PR application



Fee:11,000 yen per hour

※Every Wednesday(10:00~17:00) and Tuesday(10:00〜17:00) we offer Free consultation.On Tuesday, we offer free consultation in Yokohama. On Wedenesday, we offer free consultation in Shinagawa. ※If you enter to Service cotract, you will receive the discount on the fee in the same amount you paid as consultation fee.

Phone call Consultation:Free

※the clients could only seek advise regarding the eligibility of residence status in Japan. The clinets could not ask us to review the documents through e-mail consultation.

Acting on PR application(Full support plan)

Fee:133,100 yen(including consumar tax)

※From 2025/1/25. this plan also include the support on collecting certificates

※If you apply along with your fmily, here is the price of addtional fee for each family member

Family member(adult) :36,300 yen(including consumar tax)

Family member(minor):24,200 yen(including consumar tax)

※There is the possbiity that the price of the fee will be changed because of the condition of the clients.

PR application service(Light plan)

Fee:66,000 yen(including consumar tax)

※This is the service to handle required documentation for PR application. When your application is filed, you also need to visit the Immigration Service Bureau.

※If you apply along with your fmily, here is the price of addtional fee for each family member

Family member(adult) :36,300 yen(including consumar tax)

Family member(minor):24,200 yen(including cnosumar tax)

※There is the possbiity that the price of the fee will be changed because of the condition of the clients.



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