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What is Questionnaire for Spouse VISA and what you need to answer?①

執筆者の写真: Daichi ItoDaichi Ito

When you prepare for application of Spouse VISA, you will be surprise since you are required to submit so many documents to get Spouse VISA. Most of applicants had thought that you could automatically get Spouse VISA when you are legally married.

But actually the Immigration Office ask you to submit documents other than Marriage Certificates and there are so many contacts to may office from applicants whose application for Spouse VISA is rejected. To get Spouse VISA, you need to show your marriage is not fake marriage and you are prepared to start marriage life in Japan.

The Questionnaire is one of the documents which you are required to submit when you apply for Spouse of Japanese VISA, Spouse of Permanent Resident, and Long Term Resident(Spouse of Long Term Resident). In this documents, there are so many questions about relationship and your family.

Answering Questionnaire is quite stressful and time consuming. But I think this documents is quite helpful for applicants to understand what the Immigration Inspectors would like to know on reviewing your Spouse VISA applications and what you need to additionally prepare to convince the Immigration Inspector to issue your Spouse VISA.

In this article, I’ll explain what is Questionnaire and the points the Immigration Bureau would like to check about your marriage and your family condition.

Questionnaire is the collections of questions about your marriage and your family Condition

Before explaining the points, I would like to explain what is Questionnaire from the first place. Some of my clients even didn’t know about Questionnaire and got to know at my office about the document even though this is perhaps one of the most important document.

Questionnaire is the documents in which there are questions about your marriage and your family condition are listed. You could download the form of Questionnaire from the website of Ministry of Justice.

When you download the document from the website of Ministry of Justice, you will find the following questions.

1. Name, Nationality and Sex of applicant

2. Information about your Spouse

3. Development leading to Marriage

4. Language used by the couple

5. Information of two witnesses who signed your marriage registration(婚姻届) in Japan

6. Date and location of your wedding ceremony

7. Marital history

8. Number of time and period of past visitation to Japan

9. Number of visiting applicant’s home country by Spouse and time and Period

10. History of deportation

11. Relative of applicants and Spouse

So, you need to answer 11 questions about your relationship with Spouse and family. You are required to answer these questions when you apply for Spouse of Japanese VISA, Spouse of Permanent Resident VISA and Long Term Resident VISA (Spouse of Long Term Resident).

Why Immigration Bureau ask you to answer these questions ?

You might think why you need to handle such paperwork to get Spouse VISA. Most people think they could get VISA when you finish legal procedure to create marriage status. So Marriage Certificate is strongest evidence.

But actually the Immigration ask you to do more than getting marriage certificate. You need to prove your marriage is not something which only exist on paper and you are required to prove you are prepared to start your marriage life in Japan.

These questions are the points the Immigration Bureau will check on your marriage to decide whether they issue Spouse VISA or not. So, you need to answer exactly to the questions.

There are so many points on each questions. I’ll explain the points on late posts.

Daichi Ito

Immigration Lawyer (Gyoseishoshi)



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Kamakura International Legal Service is the boutique firm on Immigration Procedures. We are also eager to support foreign citizens who get rejection for their VISA application from the Immigration Bureau so they could get VISA again.



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